Idyllic Mountains
Learn to Paint a Loose Mountain Landscape with Granulating Watercolors. Event is hosted by our partner ArtHustle
Time & Location
21 Jan 2022, 19:00 CET
About the Event
What you'll learn
- Working with granulation pigments
- Painting mountains wet on wet
- Painting mountain texture with help of granulation
- Depicting fir-trees in the background
- Creating contract between for- and background
- Learning to enjoy wet on wet technique without fear
Course description
Capturing all the mountain details can be challenging, though granulation pigments in wet-on-wet technique will help you to create realistic mountains quickly and without accurate painting each stroke. You will learn how to let watercolor paint flow and enjoy how water can create wonderful effects almost without your control.
This is a LIVE class, the recording will be uploaded after the class and will be available to all participants for 4 weeks.
Materials Watercolor paper: - Arсhes - 100% cotton, cold pressed, 300gsm or Saunders Waterford - 100% cotton, cold pressed, 300gsm and Cellulose paper for exercisesProfessional watercolor paints: (Any professional brand will suit: Schmincke, White Nights, Sennelier, Daniel Smith etc.) Colors she is using: - Lunar Black or Hematite Genuine from Daniel Smith in a tube - Ultramarine Blue/Cobalt Blue (White Nights) - Burnt Siena (Sennelier) - Indigo (Schmincke) - Royal Blue (Sennelier) - Emerald Green (Van Gogh)Brushes: - Flat goat brush/Hake brush 3-5 cm, - Round synthetic brush Escoda Perla #10 - Calligraphy brush, hair mix, 1 cm - Schlepper brush/Rigger brush/Liner brush, natural hair (sable/Kolinsky) #1Other: - Plastic/Glass/any other water resistant board (not a wooden one) - Pencil/eraser - Paper towels - 2 Cups of water - Watercolor palette or a white plate